Author Guidelines
Decode: Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi
Articles are written in Indonesian or English. The systematic writing of the article is the title; author's name, abstract with keywords; introduction, method, results and discussion, conclusion, and references.
The title of the article is written in Indonesian or English using Palatyno Linotype-14 Bold font, maximum 15 words.
The names of the authors of the article are listed without academic titles, accompanied by the name of the study programme, institution, country, placed under the title of the article. In the event that the manuscript is written by a team, the author must provide a * mark on the name of the correspondence author. Palatyno Linotype writing style, 11 point font size on the author's name and 10 point font size on the name of the study programme, institution, country.
Abstracts and keywords are written in two languages (Indonesian and English). The maximum length of each abstract is 150-200 words, while the number of keywords is 3-5 words or a combination of words. The abstract consists of: (a) an overview relevant to the article; (b) research objectives; (c) methods: Briefly describe the main method or theoretical framework used; (d) Results: Summarise the main findings of the article; and (e) Conclusion: Indicate the main conclusions or interpretations. The abstract is written using Palatyno Linotype-9 font, 1 line spacing.
Articles are typed in Microsoft Word programme, Palatyno Linotype writing style, 10 pt size, 1 space. Manuscript submission is done online through the Open Journal System (OJS) website with the address
The INTRODUCTION section should outline: (a) a clear background, (b) a clear statement of the problem, (c) relevant literature on the problem, (d) the proposed approach or solution, (e) the new value of the research which is an innovation (in 3-6 paragraphs), (f) the expected purpose or significance of the research.
The METHOD section can be presented using subchapters according to the research design or research procedures used. The reasons why the design was chosen should be outlined, supported by relevant theory. Data collection procedures should be described concisely by avoiding unnecessary normative sections. Data analysis techniques should also be explained in detail in this section including conclusion drawing.
The RESULTS AND DISCUSSION section can be presented using subchapters according to the research design, research procedures, and/or other things deemed relevant to systematically describe the research findings. Results can be presented with tables or figures/graphics that make it easier for readers to understand. Each table or figure/graphic presented must be accompanied by a comprehensive discussion and supported by relevant references.
The CONCLUSION section must answer the research objectives. The conclusion should not only contain a repetition of the results and discussion. The conclusion also contains prospects for the development of research results and prospects for further research applications (based on the results and discussion). Conclusions are written in essay form, not in numerical form.
Writing REFERENCES must pay attention to the following rules:
- Using the rules of the American Psychological Association (APA) Style Version 7
- The number of references in the Bibliography is at least 20 references with a minimum distribution of: (1) 20% of articles sourced from international journals and/or scopus indexed international journals; (2) 50% of articles sourced from Sinta 1-3 accredited national journals; (3) 20% of articles sourced from Sinta 1-6 accredited national journals; and (4) 10% of references sourced from books, theses, theses, and dissertations.
- The reference year of reference is at least the last 7 years
- Must cite 2 articles that have been published in Decode: Journal of Information Technology Education
- Written in single space, between the bibliography is spaced 1 space (or at least 6pt).